Search Results
Meet John, he's running new high-end digital, vintage analog and amps, and his own speakers
Meet Adam, and his mix of new, vintage, analog & digital, US, Japan, and UK gear
Confessions of an Audiophile: John DeVore defines audiophile and goes through gear he's had and why
Meet Meyy, he's just starting the audiophile journey in analog and digital
New Year 2022
John DeVore goes on a rant about the High End Audio lie that inspired him to start his company
What Roger Waters thinks of Neil Young
DeVore Fidelity Record Review: Jr. Wells, Peak Musical Experiences, and High End Audios contribution
Merrill Audio vs Momentum - My thoughts
Nagra IV-S and QGB, Record from LP via Pre EMT JPA 66
If you’re just getting started in audio, analog or digital?
John goes over what's keeping him so busy: Three new Speaker models and the Komuro Amplifier Company